XMedia Recode

Psoudo color

These filters convert the natural colors of an image into false colors to highlight certain features or information that may not be apparent in the original colors.

Give your video a thermal imaging effect like the one seen in the Predator movies.

Step 1: Select the "Filter/Preview" tab and click the "Video Track" tab

You can add the Psoudo color filter using the "Add filter" button.

Select filter/preview

Step 2: Select Psoudo color filter and click "Add"

add Psoudo color Filter

Step 3: Select Psoudo color and set settings

enable Psoudo color filter


Start Time

  • Specifies the start time of the filter.

End Time

  • Specifies the desired end time of the filter.
Filter Start- und Endzeit


Psoudo color settings

Psoudo color settings


before after
image without filter image with solar filter


before after
image without filter image with turbo filter

Thermal image

With thermal imaging you can give your video a thermal imaging look.
Different temperature ranges are shown with different colors.

For example, blue could represent cold areas and red could represent hot areas.

before after
image without filter Thermal image


before after
image without filter image with cool filter


before after
image without filter image with spectral filter


Vorher after
image without filter image with green filter
